I lived in a city, a city of everlasting peace. There was no theft, no robbery, no riot, and no swear. Civilians were shrewd and methodical. Only, if you forced me to find some disadvantages, well, I could say that the city was sequestered somewhere near Antarctica, and it’s freezing all the time.
Different from other mundane civilians, I constantly wanted to leave the frozen land, to seek the world outside. During the polar night, I would, following the aurora, venture out for a new world, though I was always rejected by frost. During the polar day, I would go towards the sun, though I was always pushed back by the muddy way ahead.
Nonetheless, this time, in the polar night, I had equipped the best tools I had ever seen, wearing the most unbreaking warm velvet coat. I was invulnerable, at least I believed so.

Aurora, as I expected, appeared in a form of azure stripe windingly. I put on my goggles and stepped to the suburbs, then I left the snow-covered permaforst city . Frost was certainly an obstacle, but I actually felt warm since I had multiple layers of thick velvet covered on my body.
I kept on stepping ahead, following the blue winding aurora. Along my way there were nothing, but cotton-like dry snow. I saw a person standing maybe 200 meters away faintly. It was not until I walked closer to it that I noticed the person was actually a dead frozen penguin standing like a tombstone. There were seemingly more frozen things in the front.
When I approximately walked for a few kilometers, I decided to have a rest.
I found maybe a block of ice lying on the ground, so I sat on it. However, the ice was not very smooth and there were something jutting out. I punched it to the ground, and it was a broken goggle.
It’s weird. I wondered why the goggle was so similar to the one I was wearing, and I was shocked when I saw my own face inside the ice. “What? It is….me? Dead?” I saw the similar velvet coat in the ice.
“You can’t leave the city.” A voice suddenly reached me from nowhere.
“It is not peaceful.”
“Next time, if you want to venture out, please return when you saw the frozen penguin.”
“I refuse.” I began to run, following the aurora.
“……Why you just always don’t listen to me. Anyway, I could only wish you good luck.”
A cold flow rose up from my feet, I want to move but in vain.
“How!? Damn it! Who are you!?”
“I have no comment to make. Good luck.”
Aurora was winding there as always, dazzling. It’s a pity that I couldn’t thank her for her navigation.
I lived in a city, a city of everlasting peace. There was no theft, no robbery, no riot, and no swear. Civilians were shrewd and methodical. Only, if you forced me to find some disadvantages, well, I could say that the city was sequestered somewhere near Antarctica, and it’s freezing all the time.
I was there, looking down from the sky, peacefully. Soon I found a young man tended to venture out.
“You can’t leave the city.” I said. However the young man didn’t listen to me. Though I didn’t want to, I had to blew condensed frozen air on him, and he was soon freezed to death.
“Well.” I shrugged. “Yikes. But it was a city of peace, wasn’t it?”
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