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Interesting Facts About One-Word Sentence in English

In English, we have many complicated grammar, words, and sentences. Some sentences may be as long as 30 words. However, do you know a sort of sentence which only has one word?

Let’s begin with the easiest: Yes / No.

Is “Yes.” a sentence? “Yes!” The plainest one-word sentences are “Yes.” and “No.” Additionally, these two sentences are spoken countless times every day. We constantly say them when we don’t want to reply to the question in much detail.

Go further, we’ll have: “What?“, “Who?“, “Where?“, “How?“, “Whom?“, “Whose?“… These are interrogative words that we can use independently in one word. When we want to ask a question quickly and we don’t have enough time maybe, we can use them.

All the above is the word that can only express one meaning or can only be used as a quick expression. From here, we will get into a new realm.

First, we’ll have: Pardon?

“Can you say that again?” When we want to say this sentence in brief, we can use this simple, single word.

Second, we’ll come to Dibs!

This word is slang, you can’t find it in a formal dictionary. When we say it, that usually means we want to call possession of a certain object or idea.

Third, let’s get into Deal.

We can say “Deal.” in both question voice and normal voice. The word means that we want to achieve an agreement, consensus, or transaction. We can also use the word to express that we have already achieved them.

The last one is Boo!

This is an interjection. We use it to make a sound that shows we do not like an actor, speaker, etc.

When you learn English further and further, you will discover its many interesting facts. These examples are born because we humans want to communicate more briefly. We don’t want to express an easy meaning complicatedly, so we are continuously creating new words and trying to express more in fewer words as possible as we could.

Dear reader, what do you think of English words? Is there anything absorbing to you?

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SheepChef Blog

Interesting Facts About One-Word Sentence in English
In English, we have many complicated grammar, words, and sentences. Some sentences may be as long as 30 words. However, do you know a sort of sentence which only has one word…